===================== File: Amachi-masters.zip Author: Alain Gautherot Release: 0.6 Compatibility: >= R4 Location: contrib/graphics/viewers Description: an add-ons based 3d objects viewer using OpenGL ===================== Ouatitiz? ************************************************************* Now in release 0.6, Am@chi has gone under extensive changes: - the GUI has been totally rewritten resulting in improved responsiveness - manual/auto motion mode - fullscreen mode support - no less than 11 formats supported: 3D2: CAD 3d2 3DS: 3d studio OBJ: wavefront DXF: AutoCAD NFF: Neutral File Format NFF-WTK: NFF World ToolKit AOFF: Object File Format (DEC) COB: Caligari TrueSpace IOB: Imagine LWOB: Lightwave PLY: PoLYgonal data Special thanks: ************************************************************* Thanks to Peder Blekken, author of VRMLview, for his helpful tips and information. Installation: ************************************************************* To install, just double-click the "Amachi-0.6.zip" archive and "Expand" it. You can move the Amachi folder wherever you like, the most obvious location being in /boot/apps. Use: ************************************************************* drag and drop 3d files files in a window. Use the numeric pad to move the object: 4 & 6: left/right 2 & 8: up/down 1 & 3: tilt left/right 7 & 9: zoom in/out ESCAPE: reset view TAB: toggle fullscreen mode Known bugs: ************************************************************* - OpenGL is so slooooooooooow on my dual 66... 80) - fullscreen in 24 bits color mode uses uncorrect colors (a bug in the BeOS) - crashes sometimes when deleting scenes What's next: ************************************************************* Well, the obvious things are - support for other file formats - release of the add-ons protocol The thing is I don't have much time since I started working in September. I also have a lot of ideas and things to do. History: ************************************************************* - December 26th 1998: nothing new as compared to the Masters release, but now Amachi-0.6 is available for R4 BeWare. - November 1st 1998, v0.6b: 4th release submission for the Be Master awards - September 27th 1998, v0.4: third release *Joailleu ZaaaaaaaNiiiiiiiiiVerrrrrrrSaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR! I'm officially older today. * minor bug fixes * new add-ons for AOFF, NFF, NFFWTK, IOB, LWOB, & COB - August 10th 1998, v0.3: second release added transparency support - July 27th 1998, v0.2: first release ___________________________________________________ If you have any comments, suggestions, or bug report, please email me.