===================== File: Amachi.zip Author: Alain Gautherot or Release: 0.3 Compatibility: >= R3 PPC Location: contrib/graphics/viewers Description: an add-ons based 3d objects viewer using OpenGL ===================== What's new: ************************************************************* added lines and dots support (for DXF files) added transparency support: but I've found no file so far with transparent faces, so I tested it by making arbitrary faces transparent (this has been removed since) The following add-ons are now supplied: 3D2 3DS OBJ DXF A few others are under development... will soon be under develpment. I'm now enjoying the sun, and the 40°C outside temperature. Oh, BTW, if you have the previous release of Amachi (v0.2), you can trash it. The libPierrot.so library has changed a whole lot, and the add-ons you had (namely, the 3d2 add-on) are now obsolete. Installation: ************************************************************* To install, just double-click the "Amachi.zip" archive and "Expand" it. There is no x86 version yet... I don't know when I can release one, given that the PC I own can't run the BeOS. A few words: ************************************************************* This application uses 2 libraries: - libLAP: which is to be released pretty soon now - libPierrot: which is used for 3d data handling Both libraries are kept in the "Amachi/lib" directory Add-ons are stored in "Amachi/add-ons" directory A parser for the 3D2 format is provided by default. Use: ************************************************************* drag and drop 3d files files in the window. Use the numeric pad to move the object: 4 & 6: left/right 2 & 8: up/down 1 & 3: tilt left/right 7 & 9: zoom in/out ESCAPE: reset view Tracing the parse: ************************************************************* If a file stops loading right in the middle of the operation, an error was encountered. To figure out what happened, and subsequently, if a bug report is to be submitted, use the "test_XYZ" programs: run them with the input which causes problems as the parameter(s). The error message will be displayed on the screen. A trace file will be generated for each of the inputs (".trace" suffix). You can figure out what went wrong by looking at these files. Known bugs: ************************************************************* - when the list of the objects becomes empty, the OpenGL view should turn all black. This doesn't always happen, and I have no clue why. - pausing a loading thread may cause the application to freeze. Again, I have no clue what's going on: my team's threads are stuck on the "gen_malloc" semaphore. - the GUI really lacks responsiveness. - OpenGL is so slooooooooooow on my dual 66... Known as non-bugs: ************************************************************* - some inputs may have been generated by user-written programs, that is not by genuine applications. Hence, some information might be missing during parsing of the file. - some files may not contain any 3d data at all (or no supported 3d data). - some files may define black only materials. The background of the OpenGL view being black, nothing will be drawn... well, nothing one can see. History: ************************************************************* - August 10th 1998, v0.3: second release - July 27th 1998, v0.2: first release ___________________________________________________ If you have any comments, suggestions, or bug report, please email me.