

db_checkpoint [-1Vv]
    [-h home] [-k kbytes] [-L file] [-p min]


The db_checkpoint utility is a daemon process that monitors the database log and periodically calls txn_checkpoint to checkpoint it.

The options are as follows:

Checkpoint the log once, regardless of whether or not there has been activity since the last checkpoint, and then exit.

Specify a home directory for the database environment; by default, the current working directory is used.

Checkpoint the database at least as often as every kbytes of log file are written.

Log the execution of the db_checkpoint utility to the specified file in the following format, where ### is the process ID, and the date is the time the utility starting running.

db_checkpoint: ### Wed Jun 15 01:23:45 EDT 1995
This file will be removed if the db_checkpoint utility exits gracefully.

Checkpoint the database at least every min minutes if there has been any activity since the last checkpoint.

Write the version number to the standard output and exit.

Write the time of each checkpoint attempt to the standard output.

At least one of the -1, -k and -p options must be specified.

The db_checkpoint utility uses a Berkeley DB environment (as described for the -h option, the environment variable DB_HOME, or, because the utility was run in a directory containing a Berkeley DB environment). In order to avoid environment corruption when using a Berkeley DB environment, db_checkpoint should always be given the chance to detach from the environment and exit gracefully. To cause db_checkpoint to release all environment resources and exit cleanly, send it an interrupt signal (SIGINT).

The db_checkpoint utility does not attempt to create the Berkeley DB shared memory regions if they do not already exist. The application which creates the region should be started first, and then, once the region is created, the db_checkpoint utility should be started.

The db_checkpoint utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

Environment Variables

If the -h option is not specified and the environment variable DB_HOME is set, it is used as the path of the database home, as described in DBENV->open.

See Also

berkeley_db_svc, db_archive, db_checkpoint, db_deadlock, db_dump, db_load, db_recover, db_stat, db_upgrade, and db_verify.

Copyright Sleepycat Software