Berkeley DB Reference Guide:
Access Methods


Storing records with a cursor

The DBcursor->c_put function is the standard interface for storing records into the database with a cursor. In general, DBcursor->c_put takes a key and inserts the associated data into the database, at a location controlled by a specified flag.

There are several flags that you can set to customize storage:

Create a new record, immediately after the record currently referenced by the cursor.

Create a new record, immediately before the record currently referenced by the cursor.

Replace the data part of the record currently referenced by the cursor.

Create a new record as the first of the duplicate records for the supplied key.

Create a new record, as the last of the duplicate records for the supplied key.
In all cases, the cursor is repositioned by a DBcursor->c_put operation to point to the newly inserted key/data pair in the database.


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