The Magick Scripting Language (MSL) presently defines the following
elements and their attributes:
- <image>
- Define a new image object.
</image> destroys it. Because of this, if you wish
to reference multiple "subimages" (aka pages or layers),
you can embed one image element inside of
another. For example:
<read filename="input.png" />
<get width="base-width" height="base-height" />
<image height="base-height" width="base-width">
<image />
<write filename="output.mng" />
<image size="400x400" />
- <group>
- Define a new group of image objects.
By default, images are only valid for the life of
their <image>element.
<image> -- creates the image
..... -- do stuff with it
</image> -- dispose of the image
However, in a group, all images in that group will stay
around for the life of the group:
<group> -- start a group
<image> -- create an image
.... -- do stuff
</image> -- NOOP
<image> -- create another image
.... -- do more stuff
</image> -- NOOP
<write filename="image.mng" /> -- output
</group> -- dispose of both images
- <read>
- Read a new image from a disk file.
<read filename="image.gif" />
- To read two images use
<read filename="image.gif" />
<read filename="image.png />
- <write>
- Write the image(s) to disk, either as
a single multiple-image file or multiple ones if necessary.
<write filename=image.tiff" />
- <get>
- Get any attribute recognized by
PerlMagick's GetAttribute() and stores it as an image attribute for later
use. Currently only width and height are supported.
<get width="base-width" height="base-height" />
<print output="Image size is %[base-width]x%[base-height].\n" />
- <set>
- background, bordercolor, clip-mask, colorspace, density,
magtick, mattecolor, opacity. Set an attribute recognized by
PerlMagick's GetAttribute().
- <border>
- fill, geometry, height, width
- <blur>
- radius, sigma
- <charcoal>
- radius, sigma
- <chop>
- geometry, height, width, x, y
- <crop>
- geometry, height, width, x, y
- <despeckle>
- <emboss>
- radius, sigma
- <enhance>
- <equalize>
- <flip>
- <flop>
- <frame>
- fill, geometry, height, width, x, y, inner, outer
- <get>
- height, width
- <image>
- background, color, id, size
- <magnify>
- <minify>
- <normalize>
- <print>
- output
- <read>
- <resize>
- blur, filter, geometry, height, width
- <roll>
- geometry, x, y
- <rotate>
- degrees
- <sample>
- geometry, height, width
- <scale>
- geometry, height, width
- <sharpen>
- radius, sigma
- <shave>
- geometry, height, width
- <shear>
- x, y
- <solarize>
- threshold
- <spread>
- radius
- <stegano>
- image
- <stereo>
- image
- <swirl>
- degrees
- <texture>
- image
- <threshold>
- threshold
- <transparent>
- color
- <trim>